SilkTest Question 34: How can QA engineer execute SilkTest from the command line

The full development version of SilkTest uses – partner.exe file, therefore the start command would be %SEGUE_HOME%\partner.exe -r winrunner.t

The runtime version of SilkTest uses - runtime.exe file, hence the command should be: %SEGUE_HOME%\runtime.exe -r winrunner.t

There are many options for execution automation tool from command line and one of the most useful is "-q" which quiets application after the script, suite, or test plan completes.

Silktest tips:
The experience with running runtime version on Microsoft Windows 2003 server has shown that runtime version is not able to execute 4test script for browser in case the 'Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration' is enabled on computer. To disable one need to use the following instruction:

Press start, select Control Panel, and select Add/Remove Programs
Press on Add/Remove Windows Components image
As soon it is done find and uncheck the check mark next to Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration. (click detail in case you would like to only disable it for administrators or only for users)
Press Next, and try to run your 4test script or test plan again.


Anonymous said...

Eevn if i unchecked Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration, Browser.Laodpage("") doesn't work for me. It has not loaded any page and not given any error also. It has passed the testcase

MB said...

It is strange. It works for me.

SilkTest interview questions for QA Testers