SilkTest Question 35: Did you have any issues with SilkTest 8.0?

I guess this one is the nice question for someone who has the latest version of Borland SilkTest 8.0 in his/her resume. One of the answers may be the following:

While testing a huge webpage which has almost 1000 objects we figured out that automation tool is not able to see a lot of objects at the bottom of the webpage. The developers can not brake down the page into smaller web pages due to customer requirements. We tried to recognize objects with previous version of SilkTest 7.6 and with WinRunner 8.0 and both automated tools do not have such problem on this page. Our QA manager contacted Borland and currently they are trying to fix this issue in the future version. In the mean time we are trying to find a workaround, but not able to get any satisfactory solution.


Anonymous said...

If silkTest is not able to identify objects,

go to options>Agent>Under Verification Tab
Verify that Windows are Exposed and
Verify that coordinsates passed to a method are inside the window

Click ok
and run your script

Hope it helps you.

MB said...

Thanks for input kashyap, but the issue appears when a single page has large number of objects

SilkTest interview questions for QA Testers